2:41 PM


I read stories.  A lot.  Some I've enjoyed.  Some I've laughed, cried, sometimes even become angry.  But a story that fills me with awe, now that's rare.

One such book is Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle with Greg Webster.  

Rarely do I give book reviews.  I find them really quite meaningless overall because everyone's perception is different, their journeys varied.  An impact of a book is scaled inaccurately in a one-size-fits-all paradigm.  But this one book, there was no way I could be silent.  It packs a punch that leaves a mark.  The forthright stories laid out one by one provides authenticity and accuracy of things happening in the Middle East today that few do these days.  

We all need hope.  Days are darker and even darker.  So light is a premium.  But it is increasing.  There's a verse in Isaiah that I cling to.  

"Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.  All nations will come to your light;   mighty kings will come to see your radiance." (Isa. 60:2-3) 

I believe those days are now.  Not sometime in the distant dusty past or sometime in the futuristic future that we never see in our lifetime, but right now.  At this moment.  Everyone running for fear.  Fear is so rampant we have a whole agency in our government at the moment that is trying to dispel fear and terror in airports, but instead are providing a twisted blend of frustration and angst amongst the people, all in the name of so-called security.  We have complacency on a larger scale than ever before in turning blind eyes to the truth around us.  Our world is skewed upside down because of choices.  Choices that turn lives on a right path or upside down in a fog. 

But back to the book.  This book is filled with stories of Muslims in the Middle East who are seeing dreams and visions.  And not just "pizza" dreams where things are cockeyed and weird.  But dreams filled with visions of Jesus speaking to them, showing them the Way, the Truth, the Life.  Something Muslims are not experiencing.  Love, hope, truth, and joy are not the Muslim life.  I'm sure there are moderates here in America that would debate me on that and they are free to do so.  That is their Constitutional right, just as it is mine to think and speak differently.  I can truthfully, however, that I have never seen a clear demonstration of Muslim religion to spark love, hope and peace.


However, I have seen Jesus work in many people's lives, changed them into a person who forgives, loves, and has compassion.  That is diametrically opposite of the Muslim religion.  The answer to the question of who spews out hatred the most in their world is an easy answer these days.  Who kills innocent people simply because of their vitriolic venom that has invaded their souls that commands them to kill in the name of their God?  A radical Muslim.  

Contrast that with Jesus who gives life.  The contest is over.  The obvious is extreme.  Jesus does not fly airliners into buildings, build atomic bombs to take out countries, nor kill innocent people.  His love is so all-consuming, complete in compassion, overwhelming in passion for you.  For me.  For us all.  It is amazing to me how people can look Him squarely in His face and not fall in love with Him at first sight.

That's probably it.  Those who spew out the worst hate have never turned around to see Him face to face.  His face is being seen in the countries where their close-mindedness has obliterated the ability and freedom to express to others His love.  So He shows up Himself.  

And people are forever changed.  

I'm not against Muslims as a people; I am against the evil that motivates and drives them to do the evil deeds they do.  The religion that espouses you are given great favor and weight if you kill.  That is simply wrong.  Evil.  Full of the devil himself.  

But there is a God who does not demand death.  He is a God of love.  Someone who will protect you and love you.  Watch over you every moment and guide you in all your ways.  Sometime you can actually talk to.  And He will talk to you!  

If you've never talked to Jesus, do so.  I'm not talking religion.  I'm not talking counting beads or doing things by rote in a prescribed manner.  Talk to Him like you would talk to a person.  He IS a person.  He is the person, the Son of God.  He died for you that you could be forgiven of all your sins and also take the penalty of it on Himself so you didn't have to bear it.  He gave you freedom.  

He gives hope.

He gives love.  There is nothing more important than that.  Think about it.  If you are a Muslim and happening upon this post, please forgive me if I have offended you.  That was never my intent. My only hope is that you know that there are people that actually love you and pray for you.  

But there is One that loves you even more.  More than anyone or anything you have ever known.

His name is Al Masih, Jesus, the Messiah.