3:55 PM

Paper Crafting

April 29, 2013  - The latest offerings...

A thank-you easel card with a gift card is nice surprise gift anytime of the year.  Can easily morph into a birthday, anniversary, graduation, just about anything.  I copied Annette Green's pattern thank-you card for a teacher.   Thanks, Annette, for your gorgeous work and for making it on the Graphic 45 design team for 2013!  Good going! (If you want to see the original video of Annette's, it's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsOQKu61VKY)

I also tackled the Graphic 45 film canister mini album.  Done deal:  I won't do a round album again.  I gave it my best shot.  Would have been better if the paper and cardboard didn't warp.  Waaahh!   I found the canister really too small for a crafter to do much with it.  It was completed but didn't know what to do because it was popping its lid.  What's the solution?  Well, one must make do, so I glued on some magnets and a glitzy ribbon and gave it a go anyway.  Learning as I go along.

It's a gift for a Vietnamese friend that I know.  She wanted to know what Christians celebrated at Eastertime, so made her a gift that explained why in her own Vietnamese language.  Can't wait to see  her face light up.  I ask her to teach me Vietnamese words.  It's a no go.  I don't remember past the door how to say it, lol.  Love her to pieces.  Thanks, Liz, for the inspiration!!

Here's what I came up with.