1:05 PM

Put it in "T" for Trust

Couldn't believe it.  All ready to enjoy an evening and here it is.  Pretty plain to see I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.  Staring at a dashboard that wouldn't respond gave me a sinking feeling of unredemptive tickets and lost free time that doesn't come around all that often. Why do things have to happen at the last minute? 

Turning the key again and hearing only the clicking of keys together with no sound gave way to racing thoughts seeking to eliminate the gremlin that had seemingly hijacked my truck.  Thoughts swirled through a small rundown in my mind:  gas, check; ignition switch faulty, no way; carburetion, nope.  Just had the carburetor rebuilt last week.

Lifting the hood in a huff to scan the lifeless beast, the embarassing realization rushed to my brain:  much to my chagrin, the battery cables were not attached!  The battery was "free floating" in its holder without any connection.  Disgusted at myself for not having connected it when I switched out batteries the morning before after having been distracted, I quickly attached the cables, hopped in my truck, cranked the keys in the ignition and ... bingo.  The truck hummed her energetic response, I took it out of "park" and into "drive" and proceeded out the driveway to an evening of enjoyment.

Ruminating upon my experience later I realized sometimes my walk with God is a lot like that.  I have the vehicle of faith to get to my divine destination in life only to find out that somehow or another the power and the spark has once again not guaranteed what I thought was a timely arrival.  It surely wasn't God.  He gave the goods.  It was me once again forgetting to check my connection, my  connection with God who is the giver, the soother, the counselor, the wisdom -- in short, every single thing I need in every day of my life.   Morning interactions with him are crucial, and  the instantaneous momentary whispered prayers in interaction throughout the day with Him fuel the spark that ensure trust and faith are still connected.   Without it my trust quickly drains from my soul, my connection wanes, and I could end up with a dead battery of soul with empty efforts full of exhaustion trying to do everything on my own, even to the point of getting out and trying to make it happen regardless.  Truth is, it never ever works, though good intentions would try to convince otherwise. 

The value and activation of true trust is a life-long process of learning.  Taking our hands off of the stick shift and letting Him take control is the kicker.  Human nature has a strong pull to want to control everything in its own way.  But letting Jesus guide your vehicle of faith will cause you the ride of your life.  In the end, that is always the best way.  Boy, what we learn along the way is amazing and invaluable!  When one trusts in the God that is more powerful than anything or anyone and believes Him unreservedly for everything ... well, frankly, nothing is impossible.

Keep your connection with the one true living God.  The One that can save your soul.    Don't leave yourself in park until the weeds of life entrap you into a silence of defeat.  There's unrequited love of God out there that compels you to come meet him and enjoy life with Him.  There is no one that loves you as much as He does.  That's a proven and undeniable fact.  You know what?  He will help you with anything you need.  But He's not pushy.  He will never knock you down to be the driver of your life.  Your choice to respond is yours and yours alone. Put your full faith and truth in Him and Him alone.  The engine is faith, trust is the gas, the pedal is belief in Jesus, the only Son of God.   I'd encourage you today:  Please don't put your trust in park.  Engage and drive to a place called peace.

"Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) in the Lord and do good; so shall you dwell in the land and feed surely on His faithfulness, and truly you shall be fed. Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. And He will make your uprightness and right standing with God go forth as the light, and your justice and right as [the shining sun of] the noonday. Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him."  (Psalm 37:3-7, Amplified.)