1:21 PM

Sending it by C-mail

Sent:  Today
From:  Me
To: adonai@celestialheavensabove.com
cc:  Jesus; Holy Spirit
Subject:  Sending you love
Message:  Hi, Father.  It's me.  One of your favorite daughters.  Man, I just finished reading your latest love letter ... again.  Want to know what's really amazing?  When I reread it, it's like the first time.  Alive, fresh, new.  No foolin'.  Wild, huh.  It's reciprocal, you know.  My love for you.  The love you send, though, is far beyond what I can comprehend, let alone give in return.  It's the week of the 4th of July (as if you didn't know) and a lot of Americans are celebrating "Independence Day."  A lot of the meaning has been stripped by pleasure seeking, callous minds, carcasses of thought unwilling to believe in truth, freedom, and righteousness.  To my way of thinking I believe there are those that haven't been desensitized and are standing up and making it count.  That's courage, don't you think?

Yesterday, I was thinking, wow, I can sit here in freedom and peace on my back deck without anybody buggin' me.  That without a doubt was borne of blood.  A page of history written by a pen of love.  Self-sacrifice at its ultimate.  (No one has greater love, no one has shown stronger affection, than to lay down, give up his own life. Love Letter John 15:13) Infinitely higher than a scale of one to 100, you did the same thing, sending Jesus to do what he did.  Doing His bit for your love for us all.  Still can't get over it.  Here I sit, free from all the scum of the evil that wants to shred and destroy people into oblivion, because You sent him ... and here's the kicker:  He was happy to do it.  He thought it was a joyous occasion.  Man, exclamation point and period.  That kind of love is fiery and all-consuming.  I am cocooned in the warmth of it.  I express my thanks, Adonai.  Sounds trite and incomplete, I know, but I'll say it anyway.  I hope it warms Your heart as well.

Your gift of extraordinary measureless love sits in a neat package on people's doorsteps.  If only they knew and understood what you've given.  Some look at it, read the label and even tell others, "Hey, I have the package" but I know that unless Your gift is opened and received with pleasure and joy, it remains a gift sealed gathering dust.  I'm sure glad I opened my gift of Yourself and didn't "return to sender."  I have never regretted one single day.

Your attention to everything I do overwhelms me.  You remember yesterday?  That moment you spoke secrets in my heart?  Man, I treasure them.  They're truly sustenance to my soul until the day you come to pick me up and take me home for good.  Remember when we shared the laughter?  You are so funny sometimes.  I'm so glad you have a sense of humor and aren't stuffy.  So many people think you're mad at them.  Really, isn't that it something?  Unbelievable.  I cannot for the life of me see why.  The only Father I have known -- you, oh, precious Adonai -- are loving beyond words and so watchful.  I know I don't have to worry about a thing.

I laid out the wedding garments you sent the other day.  Looking at the exquisite fabric encrusted with diamonds and pearls sewn with ribbons of light, I know I'll be ready come "going home" time and the prettiest bride the world has ever seen.  Thank you soooo much for sending all you did to make sure I'm ready for the wedding supper and giving me tips on palace royals etiquette.  That is invaluable.  I know I'll be the prettiest one of the bunch (though I know you feel the same way about all your "favorite" children; that's a joke, Father. I know I'm not the only kid on the block.)  Also glad I don't have to send you the latest picture of myself so you'll know what I look like or worse yet like they do at the airport with a sign upheld, a silent page of "Jane Doe."  That's not you.  Nosireebob.  You know me intimately and that makes all the difference.  Not like some of these song-and-dance gods that are two-timin' no-see/no-hear absent nobodies.  You are real!  (I'm twirling in love.)

Then when I come home and go to the big party -- I can't wait until you take me out on the dance floor and we have our father/daughter dance!  I want You to know I'm practicing so I don't step on your toes.  You're the King; I'm not and I'll follow your lead in humble submission across every inch of that promenade.  Promise I won't be embarrassing.  Pinky promise.  Until then I remain your forever daughter in love with you,

Come soon!!