6:18 PM

The True Planned Parenthood

It can be discouraging, even daunting.  Verbal assaults that assail from every angle.  School bullies, workplace harassment, families at odds, even those who you thought were friends tear at the fabric of the soul.  Days like that bolt down a soul with weighted chains.  Some come through it, though not unscathed.  Others are encased in a mire of words that have bogged them down to nearly unrelenting paralyzation to move forward with courage.  Words can soothe or they can be hurled with such force and vengeance to abort even the staunchest braveheart.

No one said days like these would be easy.  Even today in the middle of a town square or a city street with signs blazing and red hot vehemence here are voices that scream their so-called proclaimed rights to advantages they feel they deserve.  In their disdain for those who work to support their families with values and strength, they long to abort the way of life of those that ordain their steps with truth, courage, and old-fashioned work.  They flaunt their arrogance at Americans who look in the face of fear and don't flinch.  Not one inch.  They are the ones that will not budge at the hand of an economic abortion doctor who thinks that Communism, socialism, and the death of democracy is a healthy thing for a nation that is already teetering on the brink of an evil social abyss.  With unswerving courage and a blazing fire of faith, they show the world every day there are ones who walk with integrity, righteousness and white hot truth.

There is one parent, though, that will not be denied, the One who will pluck His children from the hands of those who would try to pry them from their destiny and abort the plan of the universe.  It's the Lord Himself, the one true God.  He gave His Son with a high price so that he could claim His children as His own.  No one will chase them from the planet.  They may be imprisoned, maligned, slaughtered, denied, harassed, and assaulted verbally and/or physically but one thing is absolutely and irrevocably true:  He is coming to get His children and His word will be the last word.  His word settles it all.  His words that are not convoluted, filled with half-truths or flat-out lies.  They will not be ignored or disobeyed.  All will know and all will have to bow their knee to the one that will have sovereignty.  Complete and full.

You see, He planned it all.  He planned you.  He planned the way you are right now.  You may think that because of situations in your life that everything has gone downhill at full tilt.  Maybe you don't have a job, your marriage may have fallen apart, your family may be in alienation with unforgiveness like cancer that has eaten your soul to the very marrow of your bones.  The ache of defeat and depression is very real, the outlook grim on all counts from the nation, from your individual life, and even from what you believe is a God that hasn't been listening in a very long time.

I'm here to tell you this: You are planned.  You are valuable.  You are immensely loved.  Far beyond what you can even imagine.  He has seen every struggle, observed every tear, heard every sigh and cry of your heart.  He is listening.  Cry out to him. You are His plan.  He will never abort you.  He will never tear you out of His heart.  You will never be an after-thought, an "oops" or ignored.  You are precious in every way.

Remember this:  In John 16:27 it says, "The Father Himself loves you dearly..."  That's a red letter edition of love.  The one that speaks right to the heart.  It's not an appeal to try to assuage you to believe simply because it's a "religious thing."  In a world that's gone crazy and nuts, this is the real deal.  It's plain and simple truth.  It's right.  Without hidden and crooked agendas.  It brings peace when nothing else can.  It's His word to you today.

You are planned.  Let Him be the parent to you He has always desired.  Give your heart to him unconditionally, without a Plan B.  Throw away the doubts, the weird words that fly out there ... this is the day.  This is the moment He says to you -- and me, too -- "Come!  Be a part of the family, a nativity into the family of God."

You'll never regret it, not even for one ripe second.  You see, you are in the plan ... conceived right there in the Father's heart.