3:28 PM

It's Rosh Hashanah 5772 -- Happy New Year!

It's the Jewish New Year this week, Rosh Hashanah.  The Ten Days of Awe begin, the time for repentance, which end with the Day of Atonement. Peering into the looking glass of God's magnificent forgiveness is an endless pool of grace into which we are privileged to gaze.  In Jewish teaching it is the anniversary of the creation of man, a time that God celebrates us.  What a thought.  It's a day to say thank you for the prerogative of enjoying God's blessings and benevolent forgiveness, giving us a chance to start anew, afresh, awash with His closeness of Spirit breathing into us His passion and love.  It is also the Feast of Trumpets when shofars resound throughout the air pronouncing...

... the coming monarch.  His Royal Majesty, Jesus Christ.  Jewish teachers have taught, "Do you know what tomorrow evening is? Tomorrow will be Rosh Hashanah, and among Chassidim the night of Rosh Hashanah is called 'Karanatzia Nacht.'"  Coronation night.


The crowning ceremony of the King of Kings.  It's not far off.  He's coming.  Lately I have heard, "Oh, but many things have to happen yet."  Hum.  Well, will you personally know the minute or the hour or the day?  Will you know every detail, every fulfillment and you can say with finality and infinite wisdom that NOW is the precise moment and fulfillment and He can come any moment---well, that is, if you haven't been busy living life with all of its demands and stress it commands.  When truly would one know?  Remember this friends, he comes as a thief in the night.  When you didn't really expect it.  Just when you thought there were a "few more things that have to happen first" (or worse, secretly wishing it wouldn't be too soon because we want to do this or that).  I sense that too many in the Body of Christ have a false sense of security thinking that there is "still some time left."  We should live intimately and immediate in His presence so that at any moment (whether now or somewhere in the future) when His shofar is sounded, His voice is lifted in a shout, we will not be caught unawares.  

This is the season of the Lord, the Coronation night.  Whether He comes today or tomorrow or next week or beyond is not the issue; the extent of readiness within ourselves is paramount to being ready to walk into eternity with one breath.  Literally one breath away.  Think about it.  Truly He longs for us with a passion we can never fully understand, a longing with an intensity that is beyond description, and a love that is immeasurable.  

Long for Him.  Look for Him.  Listen for His words breathing life through you and then in the silence He Himself will listen with ardent fervor.  He'll listen for very special words that bring about this most spectacular gathering of lovers of God.  The very words He longs to hear.

"The Spirit and the Bride say ...come, King Jesus."  The coronation celebration is about to begin!  Come! 

Rosh Hashanah 5772!