6:29 PM

For the Love of Jerusalem, Israel...the place of God's heart

I will be a ring of fire around her in My midst.
Those that desire Me will dare to 
   enter the ring and find My glory.
Those in indifference or rebellion outside
  are left cracked, barren and dry
in a wilderness where there is no water.
Streams in the deserts only flow unhindered in
  yielded hearts of need to worship Me.
Fear of Me is taught, purposely and tenaciously
   walked willingly in a lifestyle of pursuit.
The ring of My fire of praise is a covenant
  of marital love borne from a pool of blood--
a gift--a broken seal off a stoneless grave,
and the passionate, kissing flames of explosive
Spirit fire bursting forth from a hungry heart.
     Praise Me!  My love is perfect!
     Praise Me!  My joy is complete!
     Praise Me!  My service, My burden 
              is light as a feather.  
Your walls are before Me and they 
catch fire and blaze in consumption
  in the ring of My praise.

"For I, says the Lord, will be to her a wall of fire round about, 
and I will be the glory in the midst of her."  (Zechariah 2:5)