7:26 AM

You Are ...

YOU ARE ....
     My God.  No else one.  No sick mixture of all roads leading me god knows where.  Only you.  Period.

     My strength.  I cannot muster one iota of self-power. My mealy-mushy strength fails every day, but Yours stands like a rock.

     My joy.  My laughter would ring hollow and feigned otherwise, nor would a smile brighten the days.

     My guide.  Other leaders (self-imposed or otherwise) cannot compare to Your omnipotent wisdom.  I need that.

     My secret keeper and confidant.  In an age where society sports in wholesale slaughter of  maligning another human being to the ground and lifting up of self at all costs, I'm thankful for the respect you give to our communication.  You hold me in the highest regard, no matter what I do.  I don't comprehend it in fullness, but I'm a grateful recipient.

     Love.  With no strings attached.  That's simply beyond my capacity to understand.  Everything here on earth, it seems, comes with a price, but You pursue with unrelenting passionate and zealous love.  You woo me to Yourself and You love me.  Really do love me.  Wow, what can I do but love you more?

     Forgiveness.  When others cannot find Your brand of forgiveness a treasure and choose instead to bury others in a sea of bitterness and death (and when I can't seem to forgive myself), you bathe me in your word.  I find grace and my spiritual sight restored.

     Truth.  When deception claws at our souls to mire us in the outright brutality of lies, you whisper truth showing the way for you are simply that:  You are the truth and the way. 

     Healing.  Nothing I can do in and of myself can bring it about.  If I could, I wouldn't need you.  And Lord, I never want to be without you.  Ever.  You are the One who heals.  No one can raise anyone from the dead, but You are the resurrection and life.  What a God!

      My daily bread.  You feed all my needs with your magnanimous goodness.  They are always met in full without price or strings.  I never need a coupon for Your grace.  It's freely given. Alleluia!

     My friend.  You stick closer than a brother or a sister.  I can always count on you.  Always.  How priceless is that!

     Faithful.  How this is needed.  Everyone needs this without reservation. How hard it is to find true faithfulness and commitment in relationships, but You track true without fault.  May I learn that lesson well from You.

     Merciful.  I don't deserve mercy for sins I've committed in the past, fleshly faults that lash out at Your heart.  I never deliberately wanted to hurt You.  But freshly awash by Your blood of grace and forgiveness I stand clean, whole and pure in righteousness, the righteousness You freely give.  Your very own righteousness.

For that today I stand amazed in who ...
     YOU ARE!
 "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor  things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  (Romans 8:38-39)