7:13 AM

The Perfect Gift

Looking for the perfect gift? Between the trips to the mall to catch that latest "super sale," online clicks and exhausting marathons of parties, lists, and preparations, one thing always looms: What am I going to get for _____ (you fill in the person's name). You know, just the right thing that will make the happy meter zoom to full stop amidst cries of oohs and aahs and "You shouldn't have (but so glad you did)." 

Then there's songs that shout out, "You'd better not cry or pout or ..." Gifts based on performance.  Well, I think I've found the perfect gift. (Don't worry, I'm not selling anything. There's not a link at the end of this urging you to click onto some junky site.) I'm so glad I don't have to "work" for this gift. In fact, if I had to "be good" or "just right" I'd never have received it. Ever. It is simply this: "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17) This gift is obviously Jesus. I think sometimes we've gone through so many Christmases (for those of us who are a smidge older) that the whole season thing gets jaded. Oh, yeah, here we go again. Another year. Little baby Jesus (the one that never grows up until Easter), the manger, cute little children playing angels at school programs, endless Christmas cookies, reindeer and that ever present man with the red suit that really needs to get on an exercise regimen and a diet. Yes, all the lights and music and warmth that Christmas exudes it can be an exciting time. Time well spent with family and friends make it memorable. But the real action comes on the inside where the spirit resides, the place where "Christmas" is every day. Jesus is no longer a baby, He isn't lying in a manger, and most definitely isn't just an icon in a Christian bookstore. He's a King whose passionate desire is to give you the most perfect gift of all .... salvation purchased by none other than Himself. All you have to do is reach out and take it for yourself. And if you already have -- gaze at the wonder afresh this Christmas. Take out that gift and ponder on it, thank God for it, and tell everyone what you got this Christmas. The perfect gift.