11:20 PM

Careful Where You Stand

Botanical Gardens, Big Island, Hawaii
Experiencing the jungle can be exciting.  Can be awesome.  Sometimes unexpected.  "Watch it!"  The sign reached out and grabbed my attention.  One look upward left one dizzying at the height of the huge mango tree.  It viciously randomly takes pot shots from a dizzying height to the unsuspecting human forms below at will.  "Bombs away" as nature hurls its bounty to the jungle floor.

Made me think.  You know, it really does matter where you stand.  Some may say, "I don't want to get involved" or "I'll let someone else deal with it."  Some things we are born to do, others we are not -- but if truth is apparent on its face stay true to what God has put in your heart, your part of the plan, your "puzzle piece" that someone else needs to be encouraged to excel.  As we are not islands unto ourselves as we stand together for truth and justice, the unity of heart in the bonds of love will overcome all.  It is the strongest thing on earth. Nothing overcomes the love of God shining through the clear glass of the soul.  It is blindingly embracing.  "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."  

So make a stand.  The small things, the seemingly mundane, the important, the vital.  Don't stand ambivalent in the face of things that are rising on a tide of a world gone mad.  These are days of power.  These are days of sorrow, joy, triumph, unbelievable trials and adventures.  These are the days of the power of God.  

So while you may travel down life's path watch where you stand.  The mangos may be falling. 


Sarahlee Kittons said...

Falling dangers may also be delightful treats if one dares to stand ground and delve into the rapport of the world around us.