8:26 PM

Have You Been in Park Too Long?

It started off innocent enough.  An intended forgetfulness, a taking on of things that bogged one down.  Not really meaning to let the vines of inattention to wind its way around my feet its inevitable paralyzation gained its familiar stranglehold grip.  But it became crystal all too soon.  I was stuck in the ruts in the road.  Courage had lost spark while distrust, anxiety and fear had woefully corroded my resolve.  

Aw, I knew better.  Sure I did.  I had the manual.  I knew how to do preventive maintenance:  Check the terminals, fluid levels, spark, and fuel.  All things vital to making the engine turn over and purr like a kitten.

It's like that in life, isn't it?  Never wanting to court disaster or failure on the freeway on the long stretch of an uncharted course one goes forward with a lifeless wish like "one day I'll win the lottery."  But life with a smirk punctures hopes until running flat in discouragement we pull to the side unsure of the next step or direction.  Sometimes feeling like we'll never get anywhere at all.

Some give up.  Some never get the map to learn the directions, study the manual to know how the vehicle can be repaired.  Constantly they give excuses or are ambivalent to time passing like leaves in the wind.  They park it and wave at those that happen  by.  

It's really easy, though, to turn a mental/spirit/soul direction.  God shows us what we can do to be restored.  This may look like a foolish lesson in vehicle maintenance, but it's really a gentle prod to say -- follow God's Word.  Some don't believe in the Bible but that doesn't make it less true.  It's like walking into an old shop where the manual is to your vehicle.  When someone shows you where the problem is, how to fix it, and here's the parts for free, who can resist?  And on top of it if He'll do it for you.  As my husband will be quick to tell you, "She doesn't know how to fix the car!" (nor do I want to learn) having someone like him to know what to do is an unmerited blessing beyond measure.

Here's the instruction:  "... let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance, unnecessary weight, and that sin which so readily, deftly and cleverly clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,  looking away from all that will distract to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith giving the first incentive for our belief and is also its Finisher bringing it to maturity and perfection. He, for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.(Heb. 12:1-2 Amplified Version.)

Easy huh.  So get back in the manual, find out where it went awry, get yourself washed afresh by the Holy Spirit of God Himself.  Be filled with the fuel of God's Word to encourage and strengthen.  

Then get back out there.  You can do it.  I know you can.  Put 'er in drive...