3:07 PM

Like a Mighty Sea

Kona Inn - Kona, Hawaii (2011)
I ran down the plank that curled its way through a narrow alley opening up into a massive view of the warm Pacific Ocean water.  My view was not disappointed.  Surf was up!  Surfers with boards queued in the outer bay bobbing with the sway of the tide anxiously hoping against hope that the next wave would be the "big one."  

I quickly walked over to the edge of the sea wall, camera in hand waiting as well.  For I might just get "the one," that one picture to satisfy the longing of a wannabe photographer.  Never know.  This might be it.  

Surfer - Kona, Hawaii
Wave after wave came rolling in.  Surfers would get on their boards and try to ride it in; some waited; some fell while the waves kept rolling in without hesitation.

At every wave and the surfers mounted their boards, the camera clicked in rapid succession trying to frame that special movement that made them suspended in air or digital satisfactory proof they made in in the curl.  Surf spray shouted high, the waves pounding their exclamatory praise to the God who sent them.  

Just then I remembered an old song I had learned as a little child.  I started to sing it softly to myself and to the King who always stands watch with me (and points at things for me to shoot).  You may know the tune.  The words go something like this:

"Over and over like a mighty sea, rolls the love of Jesus rolling over me."  Just about in the middle of that I choked.  Couldn't even whisper.  Jesus' love was for ME.  The thought was overwhelming -- just like that mighty sea.  Here is the manifestation of it where I stood.  A "leftover" from a terrific storm that had been in Japan, I stood on the edge of Hawaii where it finally landed to bring in the last of its strength.  It still packed a terrific whallop that demanded respect.  No arguing or debating.  It evoked pure, raw awe to whoever would look its way.  

In that moment the tears flowed from my cheeks.  I was absolutely punched in my soul to know that that kind of God's powerful love and, oh, so much more was directed at me because of Jesus' gift of life.  Well, how could I contain it?  It was a moment that the Lord and I could shared on the sea all with the loud pounding waves.  Oh, I was in the midst of people, but sometimes there are moments that are exclusive, private and precious even in the midst of a crowd.  

There's a song that I really love.  It's "In the Presence of Jehovah."  I've learned that I don't have to be in my separate little library on the top floor of my home where no one else is to be in His presence.  I don't have to manufacture it.  He's as near and close as my next breath.  He's everywhere I am and I am everywhere He is.  We are one.  It doesn't have to be in commercial church or homemade home groups or really anywhere structured.  It can be as simple as taking some pictures of waves on a Pacific Island where people are having dinner by the light of tiki torches.  It doesn't matter.  He meets you where you are.  Isn't that fantastic? 

"Jesus answered, if a person really loves Me, he will keep My word, obey My teaching; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home, abode, special dwelling place with him."  (John 14:23 Amplified Version.) 
Kona Inn - Kona, Hawaii

The thing that got me, though, was that love wasn't anything I could foster.  It was given totally meritless.  I couldn't be "a good girl" to earn it in greater quantity nor could I be a monster and He love me less.  The gift was there for the taking when I asked him to be my Savior and King.  Simple as that.  It's a legal transaction.  A heavenly birth certificate made out in my name with Himself as the father.  

So next time the Spirit speaks to me with whispers of love, I will burst out in song and most definitely once again let fresh tears feed the rhema Word to my spirit and brings sustenance for the soul.  Rhema is the life-breathed, Spirit touched Word.  

Father, it touches me afresh today.  Please point me to the things I should see. Wrap me in your arms tight till the shadows of fear and darkness of the death passes by.  Laugh with me at the things that are before us to enjoy like puppies at play, children's laughter, the sunset on the water, and my husband's silly jokes made specifically to cheer me up.  And God, may I not be selectively deaf to the wind words You whisper in my ear.  Seal them in the night and cause me to be rock hard in my resolve to serve You only all my days.  If I do not rejoice, the rocks will cry out.  They aren't going to shout for me.  I will say and cry and shout "Over and over" ... (sing it with me) ... "like a mighty sea, comes the love of Jesus rolling over me.  Over the sea, over the sea, Jesus, Savior, pilot me.  Over the sea, over the sea, over the jasper sea."

Listen to the surf.  The wind.  The words in the waves.  He really does love you, you know.  With every breath.


Sarahlee Kittons said...

Thank you, Thank you Tante,,, for channeling the words of this beautiful spirit that watches over us - expressing such beautiful reminders of the Love that washes over our lives.. XOXO