8:28 PM

Who Ya Gonna Call?

(Telephone ringing.)

RECORDING:  Hello, Celestial Soul Center.  If you know your party's extension, you may dial that now.  For all other inquiries, please press 0 or stay on the line for the next available representative.  

(Pause.  Harp music playing.)

RECORDING:  Your call is important to us.  Please stay on the line and the next available representative will be with you shortly.

(Pause.  More harp music playing.)

REPRESENTATIVE:  Hello, this is Agent 43789.  My name is Angela.  How may I help you?

YOU:  (Choking back tears.)  Hi.  Things haven't been going very well and I ... I ... well, wanted to talk to God.  Is there any way you can get Him for me?

REPRESENTATIVE:  He's in a meeting right now.  You can leave a message or I can take your number and ask Him to return your call. 

YOU:  (Tears freely flowing.)  Well, it's rather urgent.  My life is a mess and I just can't seem to get it together.  Is there any way I can talk to Him just for a couple minutes?  I really need to talk to Him.  

REPRESENTATIVE:  I'm sorry.  He asked not to be disturbed. Have you made an appointment to talk to Him?

YOU:  No.  No, oh -- so many things are happening right now.  I need help right now.  I HAVE to talk to somebody.  I have to talk to God!

REPRESENTATIVE:  Oh, I'm so sorry.  I'll tell you what, though, I'll switch you over to His voice mail and you can leave any message you desire.  He'll get it at His convenience and -- 

YOU:  Oh, never mind!

(Telephone connection terminated.)
Some perceive God just this way, someone that's too busy, ineffectual, too judgmental, and most of all ... deaf.  How can a God that's supposedly loving and merciful hear me out of the billions of people that stride the globe?  How can He find me out of the crowd when my heart feels like it will explode with hurt, confusion and anxiousness?  

If you may feel that way I'll tell you this for a fact.  He is not ambivalent, indifferent or hard of hearing.  In fact, He sees every single sigh and whisper you utter.  He's not deaf nor blind that he cannot see.  He is a living God.  Mohammad died 632; Buddha died around 534 B.C.; many other gods have come ... and gone.  Oh, yeah.  There's funky and weird-looking statutes of them -- but they will never ever hear, see, feel or understand what you're going through.  

There's hope, though.  Truly.  When you need someone to talk to, there is a God that is very much alive.  Jesus will listen to everything you want to tell Him.  He's that close.  He died -- but unlike the others, He rose again by the power of the Holy Spirit so that you could be redeemed.  Now, that's love.  Love that's swathed in layers and layers of lush mercy.  Exquisite grace on display.

So when the challenges of life get dicey and you feel like you're skating on black ice, call out to God.  He's always available, always listening, always gracious to give us just what we need when we need it.  Whether it's salvation, direction or just simply love, He's the one that delivers in abundance far above any expectation.  

There's a verse in the Bible that is right-on proof.  You could call it His telephone number.  It's in Jeremiah 33:3."Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you have not known."  

Call Him up.  I mean, what have you got to lose?  Come on.  What He has to say to you ... well, it just might surprise you and give you peace.