12:08 AM

Stunned by His Face ...

Ever see someone's face and you tend to stare?  Someone who maybe is more than fair of face.  A stunning beauty or a face that's ruggedly handsome.  There's a tendency to look only on the outward, to value the things on the surface that please the senses.  A hairstyle, a body type, a tantalizing smile or a curvateous statuesque frame.  Looks are fleeting.  And really that isn't what makes a person no matter what Hollywood or People Magazine may tout.  There's a real beauty that shines from the inside out that defines with precision far surpassing any cosmetic surface imagery.  The outside ultimately fades and decays as age and life accelerate at break-neck speed.

Once in awhile someone exudes radiance.  It doesn't matter if they're good looking or not.  It's that inward glow shining from the inside out when combined true virtuous character and truth can't be ignored.  Simply cannot.  You know it when they walk by.  That kind of presence commands attention without saying a word.  Ever wonder what that is?  There are righteous ones in the earth.  They carry within them the very essence of heaven, it's glory, it's power emanating all-consuming love.  It's never anything they conjured or performed on their own.  They're not some big shot that has a lot of bucks or someone that's "with it."  It's something that was given as a gift.  It's a garment of righteousness, a robe if you will, that flows from their being wherever they go.  Where did they get?

Well, there was a price to pay.  It wasn't something that just shows up in a pretty box with a bow from the UPS guy in the late afternoon.  You ever go to one of those silly exchange Christmas parties, you know, where you show up with a gift that you're supposed to exchange with someone else?  Usually those are pretty sad.  Some wise guy shows up with an old baby toilet seat as a gag.  Of course you took the time to pick out something nice out of the dresser, an extra silk scarf you wrapped in scented tissue paper or a valuable tool that you never use but figured some guy would really like to have it.  Then Bozo with that stupid smirky smile can't wait for you to open the so-called "gift" he gleefully plopped your lap.  Sigh.  But some satisfaction comes in knowing Bozo-brain will have to figure out what he's going to do with a silk scarf scented with Chanel No. 5 and then how is he going to explain that to already suspicious Mrs. Bozo when he gets home a little too late from the party.    
The heavenly gift exchange isn't even remotely akin. It's a gift of par excellence that extends far past all here on earth.  No exquisite diamond, certainly no monetary amount, land on a large paradise island, media fame or class or status can buy, compete, compel or demand.  It's simply the gift of the galaxies and of all time.  A unparalleled gift from a King offered in exchange for all the gunk in your life.  Now is that a deal or what?  All the sin and guilt and condemnation that life dishes out without exception to race, gender or age is handed on a goo-filled platter, He willingly takes it and calls it a fair exchange.  Wow!  Thing is, His Blood wipes it out because He Himself paid the price.  You couldn't nor will you ever.  Then at that moment He took off His robe and placed it on you.

No wonder when you walk in a room people since His presence.  It's not you; it's Him.  He entered the room with you.  So when the Father looks at you He doesn't see the goo, the gunk and the condemning heart -- He sees His son, Jesus. His righteousness.  His life.  His power.  His love.  Man, I want to live in that every day.  Don't you?  What a feeling of living free.  I don't have to "try" to be righteous.  He made me that way.  Sins forgiven.  Check.  No condemnation.  Check.  No guilt anymore.  Check.  That makes that checklist complete.  A life that is cleansed and robed in royalty.

It's not a come on.  Not fake.  Not a fairy tale or some lunatic religious jumbo-mumbo.  It's a simple thing you can do.  Take some time today to talk to Him.  Sit down and have a cup of coffee with Him.  Tell him your heart.  You can trust Him.  He won't let you down.  Not like others that have done it repeatedly in the past.  I know there's been people in your life that caused real hurt, the ones that didn't fulfill, the ones that couldn't even hear the heartbeat of your concern let alone understand what you were feeling.  But He is different.  This King listens.  I mean, really listens.  Even the parts that are unspoken in your heart of hearts.  You may have had a rough day where it seemed no one wanted to hear your words and they were carelessly tossed as trash in the ditch.  Take some time in the secret cafe.  A place where there's a warm corner that He's reserved just for the two of you.  You'll find the exchange is exquisite.  The ring He sets on your finger will be a symbol of His love for you, which is infinite.  Never ending, in purest gold, with diamonds and rubies set in prisms of light.  The robe He gives is royal.  You're of the heavenly royal family.  A prince among mere men; a princess among mere women.  He's back there in the corner waiting for you at a table exclusively reserved for two.

Hidden in the secret place of His presence warmed by the breath of His Name,
Safe in the hand of His authority worn down by life's thorns ... I came.
Blindfolded to natural senses He illumined by the Holy Spirit's dawn,
Rising brilliant in revelatory wonder now all imperfect understanding is gone.

In the pavilion of expansive wonder staring up in this secret dome and its gates,
In awe I gaze at the splendor of heaven and look on His beautiful face.
Silenting dumb and numbing fears, impervious to doubts that assail,
Deeply I breathe in His presence exhaling the anointing that impales--
All unbelief that dared to be present now run in confusion and haste;
Till all that's left standing in this secret pavilion--is the Spirit embracing me by Grace!

"...fear not, Abram, I am your shield, your abundant compensation, and your reward
shall be exceedingly great ... and He brought him outside [his tent into the starlight]
and said, look now toward the heavens and count the stars...if you are able
to number them ... and he [Abram] believed in [trusted in, relied on,
remained steadfast] to the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness
[right standing with God]."
(Genesis 15:1-6)